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The adventure of Cinnamon-scented Salep, which warms us in winter, dates back to the 17th century. Salep, which means the powder obtained from the orchid flower, is also mentioned in Evliya Çelebi's Seyahatname.

There are plenty of Salep in the Akdağ Mine forests and it is among the best quality salep in Turkey. To obtain salep, it is sufficient to come to the Akdag Mine, which is famous for its salep.

Saleps are usually similar to orchid flowers, sometimes they are found without flowers, which we call manger. The flowering or non-flowering part is above the soil. Torpiz is a plant whose tuber part is under the ground. These tubers, which we call torpiz, are collected by digging and dried. After boiling in water and drying, it is sold to Salep merchants. Salep traders take these Salep they collect, process them in mills, turn them into white powder, then pack them and make them ready for sale.



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