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Fig Sleep

Fig Sleep is one of Yozgat's famous after-dinner desserts.


Half a liter of milk

8 Dried figs

1 Teaspoon coarsely crushed walnuts

Preparation of:

A liter of milk, 5 figs and a tea glass of sugar are needed to sleep a fig for five people. After the milk is boiled, the sugar is mixed and allowed to go away for another 2 minutes. (The yoghurt is heated to the fermentation temperature). Finely chopped figs are also mixed with milk and transported for two more minutes. Dessert is divided into mugs. A sweet walnut is placed on each cup, and it is pressed lightly with a spoon. The cups are placed on a tray and stretch film is put on them. A kitchen cover is covered on it, the dessert is fermented at room temperature for three hours. After the dessert is fermented, it is taken to the refrigerator and kept. It is served after cooling. Enjoy your meal!



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