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Tavium Ancient City Center, Yozgat

Tavium Ancient City: It is located in Büyüknefes Village, 40 kilometers west of Yozgat city center. Although traces of Hittite and Phrygian settlements can be seen in Tavium, the main settlement was in the time of the Galatians BC. It was between the 3rd century and the 1st century.

Tavium was founded in BC by the people called Galat by the Romans. It was founded by the Trokme (Trokmi) branch that came to Anatolia from the Balkans in the 280s. The city was the commercial center and capital of the Central Kızılırmak region, where the Trokmi lived in the Central Anatolian Region.

Since 1997, Prof. from the University of Klagenfurt, Austria, in the region. Surveys were conducted under the direction of Karl Strobel. Within the scope of these studies, surveys were carried out in many villages in and around Büyüknefes (Yakuplu, Süleymanlı, Körpeli, Haydarbeyli, Sağlık, Dereboymul, Beşerek, Susuz, Çamdibi, Çakırhacılı, Zincir, Türkmensarılar, Yassıhöyük, Çatma, Sarıfatma, Cihanpaşa, Salmanlı etc.). ) traces of history have been identified in a wide area.

As a result of the researches, many pieces of ceramics, column bases and drums, grave steles, inscribed tombs from the Byzantine period, and many architectural fragments were found. As a result of the studies carried out in a wide area, traces of settlement from the Chalcolithic Age to the Islamic Period have been found so far.

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